Study:  Pause to Power for the Next 5 Months

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Study:  Pause to Power for the Next 5 Months

Back to School marks the end of summer, the beginning of new learning opportunities and the sign that we have already experienced more months in this year than we have left until the end of the year.  There are five months remaining in the year.  More than half of the year is gone.  New books, new school clothes and hopefully, you have a new outlook on what you need, want or desire to get accomplished over the next 5 months.  

Take some time.  Do a quiet, deep dive into yourself, your goals and your life.  Remember your why.  Revisit your dreams.  Move forward with all of your might.

More than anything else, Study YOU!!  You are the most important person in this situation and the person that will take the steps necessary to live your best life.  

Who are you?

What do you really love to do?

Who is most important to you and why?

What do you really want to get done before the clocks strikes midnight on December 31, 2024?

Let’s go!

If you need help or a conversation, schedule a conversation at  

