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“Julia Royston and BK Royston Publishing has helped me fulfill my dream of being a published author.” SCBH, Louisville, KY

“The greatest publisher ever!”  ROH, Nashville, TN

“I have learned so much!”  SMR, Louisville, KY

“Their services are great!” KW, Houston, TX

“Julia Royston’s work speaks for her.” JYP, Vancouver, BC

“If you need a publisher, contact Julia Royston and BK Royston Publishing.  JA, London, England, UK

“I would recommend Julia Royston and BK Royston Publishing to everybody.” JS, Las Vegas, NV

“I loved publishing with you. The book came out beautiful. Everyone loved it.” T. Martin

“Special thanks to my publisher Julia A. Royston you’re the best!” MH, Alabama

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 Any great and successful athlete, business owner or person will tell you that their skills, talents and abilities were taken to the next level when they got a coach.  Do you want to be GREAT instead of good?  Do  you want to be guided, held accountable and not waste time heading in the wrong direction on any project including writing a book?  Then you need a coach and the coaching staff at BK Royston Publishing is happy to help.  Reach out to us to schedule time with us at http://bit.ly/talkwithroyston.  You will be directed to our calendar and in the space that is marked available, put your name and contact information and a member of our staff will reach out to you.  Don’t waste time!  Get a Writing, Publishing and Promotion Coach!  Let’s go!

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Message to the Masses Blog

Helping you get your Message to the Masses and Turn Your Words into Wealth!!


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Ready to Publish a Book – How do I Start?

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sr2OIftxhw&w=560&h=315]

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Time to Switch It Up

A New Season.  A New Wardrobe. New Tactics.   During this season of the year just like spring cleaning, I start going through my spring and summer clothes to either put away, give away or donate.    The put away pile is to keep for next season.  The give away pile is for someone who may

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September 2024 – Building, Birthing or Becoming?

n nine months, a whole human being can be birthed into the world. I’ve never birthed a child but I have birthed a business, ministry, career and life. I realize that birthing a child and birthing a business don’t compare, so mothers don’t come for me. But on the other hand, whatever you are birthing,

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Study:  Pause to Power for the Next 5 Months

Back to School marks the end of summer, the beginning of new learning opportunities and the sign that we have already experienced more months in this year than we have left until the end of the year.  There are five months remaining in the year.  More than half of the year is gone.  New books,

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July, the Best Half Decisions to Make

Whether you do nothing or work your hardest until December 31st, it’s your decision.  I have already made some decisions in my life and business that will impact the remainder of the year and over into 2025.  That’s how I plan.  It’s not for everyone but that’s how I do it.  God starts downloading into

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June is Jumping!  Live Your Best Life!

The summer is in full swing.  Travel plans have been made. Vacations are in full swing.  Festivals are planned, set-up scheduled and ready for the vendors and people to arrive.  The sundresses, shorts and flip flops are in full effect.  June is Jumping!  How are you moving?  In spite of others coming and going, buying,

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May:  The Middle, Mama and Memories

May is here!!  Yes, I am a little late and it is almost the 10th of the month but May is still a wonderful month to me.  Why?  It’s my birthday on the 29th, so many people graduate and start new chapters in their life, it’s Mother’s Day and Memorial Day.  But first, it’s the

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