March Madness

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March Madness

In the United States, the term “March Madness” is normally associated with basketball and especially the NCAA and NIT tournaments.  I watch basketball especially during the tournament but I never actually played basketball.  I was in the band and I digress.  Lol.  Just like basketball fans are clearly mad about their sport, I am clearly madly in love with what I do.  I go hard for it.  I travel for it.  I spend and invest my time, energy and money into what I do.  I even invest my knowledge into others whether they are ready or not.  Why?  Because I see things in others that they may not have considered or thought of themselves.  So you can truly say that I am mad about writing, publishing, promoting, business and life, period.  I am truly loving and living my best life.  I imagined it so much while teaching in the classroom that now that it is possible, I often pinch myself and remind myself that it’s real.  What are you truly mad about that you don’t know if it will become real or will it remain a dream?  I can’t speak for you but for me I worked at it everyday.  I learned from others and invested in coaching, mentoring, videos, training and whatever else would help me be where I am today.  What does ‘March Madness’ look like for you?  What are you investing in, going ‘hard for’ and loving even in its beginning stages?  Life is short. Life is hard at times but try to find something that you love and be ‘mad’ about it.  If you need help, let’s have a conversation at  Let’s go!

Trainings coming up are a free training for creating Children’s Books on March 17th at 7:00 p.m. EST, register at

If you’re ready to write a book, no matter the genre, the 5-Week Intensive Write that Book Now Boot Camp, starts April 19 at 7:00 p.m. EST, register at

Be blessed and make it a great, “March Madness!”

Julia Royston


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Love, Learn and Lead

February is the month of Love but also Learning because of Black History Month.  There is never a February that doesn’t go by that I don’t learn something new about an African American inventor, developer or achiever.  It is incredible how much can be accomplished when you put your mind to it.  It may not start off perfect. There may be 100 reasons that it won’t work or rejection after rejection may come in your path but if you keep putting one foot in front of the other. Study your craft.  Refine it.  Develop it.  Display it and then Refine it some more, incredible things can happen.  I guarantee that nothing will happen if you do nothing.  If you don’t try, learn, launch and learn some more, your goal will never be reached.  Even if you learn what not to do, you learned something and that’s a major accomplishment within itself.  Life is so, so short that you should give yourself a congratulatory pat on the back when you figure out what you are NOT meant to do as much as what you were BORN to do.  When you figure that out, jump out of bed every morning with a passion, purpose and push to do only those things that you were born to do.  I do that every day.  Distractions come.  Other opportunities are presented but if they don’t align with my purpose, I may consider it but eventually will say no.  I want to love what I do each day.  Don’t you?  With that said, what were you born to do?  In this month of February, are you doing what you love, learning about it everyday and ready to lead the way in the industry, career or your business?  I hope so but if you need help, I am offering my book and journal, “Plan B” for $15.00.  This book is designed for those people who are looking at their life differently, need to ask themselves some hard questions and strive to get some real answers.  Click here to get your copy today! 



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In One Day

I enjoy watching the NFL draft.  I am not an owner or have a child involved in football at all.  I enjoy watching football.  It is my favorite sport and during the draft, the stories and profiles of the players told are overwhelming, emotional and definitely empowering.  They demonstrate the power of hard work, perseverance and tenacity along with skill, mentoring and opportunity.  How one day can change your whole life is amazing?  Some of these young men go from poverty to millionaires literally over night.  I watch the family and friends and wonder if they are in the room as real support or just for the opportunity that the young man will bring to their own life.  Just by association their life changes too.  Good or bad, one day can literally alter the course of the remainder of your life.  Your quality of living, career, health, relationships, family, finances and business can all be lost or won in one day, by one decision and at a moment’s notice.  Making each day, relationship and/or opportunity count is literally priceless.  There is no price tag on good health, wellness and self-care as we’ve all realized especially during the pandemic.  My final thought to you is what have you put off doing, experiencing, risking and/or enjoying that can be done if you started today?  Be blessed. 

If we need to talk about it, schedule the time at  Let’s go!

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End of March Madness and Time for Plan B

At the beginning of the month of March, I had sports in mind. I just knew that I would be watching college sports all day, picking my team, rooting for the underdog and possibly disappointed by the outcome. But there are no live sports playing right now only replays, reruns and remember when. Who knew that in a manner of weeks, we would be home, by order of authorities and law and this would be our new normal. My husband hates that phrase but it’s true. Our lives may return to normal and I’m hopeful that it is soon but right now this is where we are. Safety first. No mass assembly. It is a real and serious situation that we find ourselves in. You know what’s going on but, what happens next? What will you do when some sense of normalcy returns? Business as usual? Same old, same old? Will this just be a bad dream or will you actually use this as a time to actually plan how to Live Your Best Life? That’s a decision that you have to make. I can’t make it for you. I will be honest and say that daily I pray, meditate, re-evaluate and keep active to not dip into deep despair about where we are now. But I am hopeful. Why? I choose to be. At the end of what is real March Madness, Who do I have? God, Me and Family. That’s who I choose. I pick us to get through this together. I also choose you, to encourage, empower and inspire to be your best self for YOU! I wrote a book titled, “Plan B” that I was to release at an teacher entrepeneur event to help them create businesses to increase their income but to make sure that they are living the life they were born to live and not someone else’s. There is a mindset, motives and movements that have to change. You may have to reset your internal settings to the original manufacturer’s (GOD) intention for your life. Are you living Plan A or are you ready for Plan B? Plan B is to BE Your Best Self. The event was cancelled but I want to gift the book to anyone in this season who is striving to move and actually walk in their purpose in life. Put in the comments section, your email and “I Choose Me,” and I’ll gift the ebook directly to you.

Blessings, Peace and Safety.

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I Wish I Could But I Can’t

I wish I could tell you everything that is going to happen or should happen in 2020. I can’t. I have to live each day to the fullest, doing and giving my best. That’s all I’ve got is my best. I miss it sometimes. I’m getting old and may forget. I misunderstand sometimes and have to go back and read the directions, watch the video or even ask a friend. But I’m going all out. I am going for the gold. I’m going to die empty. I promise that to you and myself. I am giving my best. I encourage you to do your best. I offer tools, strategies, courses, books and videos with my best. I can’t make you. I can’t demand it of you. I only offer it. With a price tag at times because I am in business but I offer it to you. It’s left up to you to see the gifts, talents, abilities and skills that can be developed and discovered if you accept the challenge, go through the process and finish. I wish I could make you but I can’t. I greatly appreciate all of the support, encouragement, referrals, clients and customers but if I don’t deliver, it won’t happen for me either. In the end, I can’t do it for you any more than you can do it for me. We have to help, support and love each other. Whatever that ‘it’ is for you, blessings to you and if I can help, let’s talk at With each passing year, I’m getting older and running out of time. I’m not ancient but not a young girl any more. Time is not on my side but wisdom is. As fast, hard and as best we can, Let’s go! Happy New Year!