Inspired? Write it Down…

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Inspired? Write it Down…

I usually get up early in the morning when it is quiet and peaceful in the house to gather my agenda for the day. In the morning, I am most likely to be inspired to write. I don’t turn the light on in the office just use the light from the monitor and the gentle hum of the fan of the computer. Even though I may be tired and should sleep longer, I get up while inspired and write it down. If I don’t write it down, I will forget it. If I don’t do it right away, that free flowing group of words may not come to me again as easily. Sure, I can write later or when I have more time but, I must write it now while the thought is fresh. I encourage you today, when inspired, write it down quickly. I have written on napkins, calendars, recorded a message to my phone answering machine and scribbled an email to myself. But, the most important thing is to write it down. Keep on writing and when inspired, write it down…

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BK Royston Publishing Goes to Green Bay, WI!

On September 18, 2010, BK Royston Publishing and Heart Thoughts Publishing partnered to conduct a workshop on “Self-Publishing” and have a book signing at Cat and Jim’s Art and Soul Cafe in Green Bay, WI. The trip was a success! We enjoyed some wonderful food to top it all off. If you are in the Green Bay, WI area, go to a Green Bay Packers game and then eat at Cat & Jim’s Art and Soul Cafe.

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Writer’s Workshop #2: Are You Finished Yet?

It is time for the next session in the Write that Book Now Series. The Writer’s Workshop #2 will address the issues surrounding finishing your book including:

The Power to Finish
Planning the Finished Book
Budgeting for the Complete Book
Technology Needed to Finish.

Please see the flyer below and if there are any questions, visit for more information.

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Book Release Party A Success!

The Book Release Party Celebration for “Everyday Miracles” was a great success! We wish to thank all of you who attended. If you did not purchase the book, visit to purchase your copy today.

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It’s a Celebration and You’re Invited!

BK Royston Publishing along with Abound in Grace Christian Bookstore and For the Kingdom Ministries proudly presents book release party to celebrate the latest book and music release from Julia Royston titled, “Everyday Miracles”. The location is Abound in Grace Christian Bookstore at 1226 Krupp Park Drive, Louisville, KY 40213. For more information visit or or call 502-969-3007 or 502-802-5385. There will be door prizes, books to be purchased and signed by Julia and refreshments by Decadent Desserts. Bring someone with you and see you there!