Ebooks for Business

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Ebooks for Business

Ebooks for Business

About five years ago, my business best friend suggested that I write a book specifically related to my business.  I didn’t want to because I was fearful of giving away too many trade secrets or information that people wouldn’t do business with me.  I was wrong.  The business books that I produced related to writing, publishing and promoting your book actually helped my business grow and expand.  Why?  Those books contained the basic information that people asked me repeatedly in the first eight years of business.  I now have that same information in a paperback and eBook form for people to purchase and get their questions answered.  There will always be questions of clients that are not in the book but why not have the questions that you know will be asked, answered. 

Thus, I have an additional product to sell.  I also have a product that can accompany and be the foundational material for my live events, workshops and conferences on the exact same topic.  I don’t have to create new content on this subject because it already exists.  I can also repurpose the content in a variety of ways including blog or social media posts, signature speeches and presentations. 

If you have a business, I suggest that you have an eBook related to your business.  I love to write and write in multiple genres including fiction and non-fiction but the books related to my business specifically are key to the growth, expansion, knowledge base and profitability of my business.  Do you have a book that accompanies your business?  You should and I can help. 


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For the Love of Writing..

The Love of Writing:  Care. Share. Profit.


As a child, my parents instilled in me the love of reading and books.  I look back on it now and realize that the librarian, author and publisher that I am today all started with the public library visits with my mother and sisters.  Each of us had a bag of books that we were able to select on our own and my mother always had an arm load of books.  She read to us each and every night.  My mother read each story with enthusiasm and creativity.  Each time I read a story to students, I remember those times and try to read with expression just like she did. 

You may not have grown up having a love of reading and books like I did but know that reading, books and writing are important in every stage of life from childhood through adulthood. 

Writing can: 

Inspire Change – Writing a blog, email or book can deliver a powerful and transformational message to a vast audience.  What is your message that you want to deliver to the world?  It can be done by writing it down.  You may need an editor, thesaurus or dictionary but know that someone is waiting on your message. 

Heal Hurt – My first book was birthed out of a painful place.  It was therapy and healing for me.  I shared these words with others in hopes that they would help to heal someone else’s hurt.  Are you willing to share your pain to help heal others? 

Make You Profitable – Even though I write for fun and therapy, the bonus is that I charge for my books and people buy them.  I am profitable and writing can profit you as well.  Write it now, you are missing out on money.  Love yourself and love what you do.  I love writing and hope that you will too. 

If I can help you in any way with writing for therapy or writing for business, reach out at Julia@bkroystonpublishing.com or call 502-802-5385.

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Let Your Voice Be Heard

Let Your Voice Be Heard!

It is amazing that each and every one of us has a unique voice.  No two voices are truly alike.  We all have a distinct speech pattern.  A voice can remind us of another voice or even sound like someone else’s but our voices are unique.

Daily I teach and encourage students to speak up and let their voice be heard.  Sure we have to have order so they need to raise their hand but when I see a hand go up, I call on them because it is important for their voice to be heard.  There are other students who try to speak for and answer for another student but I stop them and make sure that the other student’s voice is heard.  I also remind them, don’t let someone else speak for you, speak for yourself.

One of the beautiful things about a book is that it introduces your voice to the world.  Your distinct vocabulary, phrasing, ideas and take on a familiar subject or new concept.

No matter the format of the book, your voice should be heard.  You have something to say.  You have information to share.  You have an answer to someone’s question.  Even though someone else may have the answer, don’t let someone speak for you.  Speak up for your expertise, ideas, creativity and gift.  Speak up and let your voice be heard.

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Helping you get your Message to the Masses and Turn Your Words into Wealth!!


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7 Things to Consider when Writing a Book

It’s 2017 and you wanted to write a book in 2016.  Let’s get started so here are 7 things to consider before beginning to write your book.

7 Things to Consider When Writing a Book

Writing a book is satisfying and there is always reason to celebrate when the book is available for sale in person or online.  If you have always dreamed of publishing a book, the sooner you get started the better.  There is an audience waiting, problems remain unsolved, questions unanswered and most importantly, you are missing out on a stream of income.  To help you write your book even faster, here are 7 tips to get you started:

  1. Your Expertise/Knowledge – Your book should be something that you know a lot about and others would consider you an expert.
  2. Passion – There is nothing like having an author who is passionate about the topic of their book.  Imagine a new grandmother with a new grandbaby and you ask her about the grandchild.  Do you think that she will be excited to show you pictures in her phone?
  3. Business – If you have a business, you should have a book.  Your book should be related to your book.  You’re an expert in your business and should be able to easily come up with a book related to your business.  Hint:  It’s another product or service to bring you another stream of income.
  4. Audience – Who is the audience for your book?  Think about the age, gender, cultural background or habits of the people that would be interested in your book.
  5. Social Media Active – Are you active on social media?  Do you hang out where your audience hangs out?  Do you communicate with this audience?  If not, find out where they hang out and start engaging them.
  6. Be Social – This is different from Social Media because your audience may not be online so you should be making connections with people in person as well as online.
  7. Vision for Your Book – Do some research and look for other books that are already published on your topic so that you can get a vision for your book.