99 Days left in the year – There’s still alot of time left.

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99 Days left in the year – There’s still alot of time left.

One thing that we can never get back is time.  Time is always moving forward whether we like it or not.  We try to redeem the time or make up for time but most of the time, we just lost time.  The time got a way from us and we must confess that we wasted time.  I probably work too much of the time and don’t take time out for myself as I should but I strive to maximize the time that I’m given and will soon find time to relax and rest.  When?  I don’t know and can’t tell you right now but I digress.  On Saturday, September 23, there were 100 days left in the year 2018.  2018 will be gone and if we are alive and not deceased, the new year will begin.

Some of you may not read this post until well after that time.  If so, you have even less than 100 days until the end of this year.  How will you maximize those days?  What will be your strategy to even finish your book, sell books or meet new people to sell your books to?  Plan your work and work your plan.  I’ve done my work in providing you free of charge, 100 ways.  What work do you have to get done yet?

If you are a published author, especially those that are self or independently published, I have provided 100 ways to be a “Book Business Boss” as well as a community that you can join to get the support that you need to strive and thrive as a Book Business Boss.  Visit http://bit.ly/bookboss100

We can’t complain about what didn’t get done but hopefully, make a list, time and a strategy to soon, celebrate what is getting done.

If you need to talk to me, schedule a time at http://bit.ly/talkwithroyston.

The next writing class is Thursday, September 27th at 7:30 p.m. EST/6:30 p.m. EST  Sign up at http://bit.ly/finallyfinishthebook Let’s go!



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National Punctuation Day!

When I first started writing more than 15 years ago, it was therapeutic and for my emotional recovery from a tumultuous relationship. I just wrote what was in my heart. I hadn’t published my first book. The words handwritten on paper were for me and no one else. Ten years ago, I was instructed to compile my writings into a book and that’s when becoming a serious writer began. Over the years, I have written 50 books, reviewed and accepted more than 100 manuscripts and I’ve rejected as many as I’ve accepted. I’ve seen my share of punctuation errors. I don’t claim to be an editor and don’t edit my own writings. However, I do review every manuscript at the beginning and end of the publishing process.

With that being said, click here for 10 punctuation tips that will help you write better.   I hope that it helps you as you begin or continue your journey as a writer.

Next writing class is Thursday, September 27 at 7:00 p.m. EST – Join us by visiting http://bit.ly/finallyfinishthebook









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Make August Awesome!

Make August Awesome!

August is the summer month where people are still trying to get their last minute vacation time in by cooling off at the pool, sleeping in or cruising on a major ship. Advertising on television shows that others are preparing to go back to school, college and other academic pursuits. Administrators are already working in schools awaiting teachers to report to school, fix up the classrooms and give out the details for the upcoming school year. Where did the summer go? I told you that summer was the shortest season. Enjoy whatever free time in summer you have while it lasts. August is the month in the middle of the 3rd Quarter. The 3rd quarter is that time where you think you have a lot of time but the 4th quarter is just around the corner. So, let’s make August awesome! Balance rest with planning. Balance work with some fun. Balance relaxation with working on your goals. We want to finish 2018 strong by making each remaining month count. So, you know I have to ask. You still want to write and/or publish that book? If so, click here to get on my calendar so we can write and publish that book before the end of the year.  Yes, I’m serious! With focus and organization, we can get it done.  If you want to take my writing class, I’m ready when you are.  Go to http://bit.ly/writethatbookclass

For motivation and to see other books published that you can read by the pool, click here to see the latest issue of the Book Business Bosses Magazine with Dr. Ruth Wilson as our featured author!

Finally, I am on the move so join me and/or other authors at the following events in the upcoming months. There will be more events coming soon.

Let’s go and Make August Awesome!


All Around in August! Join us!

August 4-11 – National Convention of Gospel Choirs and Choruses

Dallas, TX

August 25 – African American Heritage Festival

Louisville, KY

September 14-16 – Gaslight Festival

Louisville, KY

October 11 – Literacy Night

Louisville, KY

December 7-8 – Pop-Up Conference

Richmond, VA


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10 Apps for Authors and Business

10 Apps for Authors and Business

The above picture is an actual screenshot of the first page of the apps in my phone. Yes, I am in the Android Nation and happy about it. This post is not a debate about phones as much as it is to help authors know that with their published book, they are now in business. There are some easy, free or very low priced and essential apps that I use on my phone every day. There are some tools that come with the phone already right photos for putting the photos in the cloud, camera to take pictures and videos, messenger to text, google drive for storage.

Note Pad or InkPad – Sometime you just need to be able to take down some notes. The Note Pad or InkPad app is perfect for that. It has an automatic save feature and creates a link directly to my email as a note to self.

PayPal – One way to get paid is through PayPal. When the PayPal dings, my account sings! PayPal is a way to receive and send money. All authors need PayPal.

PayPal for Business – Now you are thinking, she said that there were 10 apps and she has cheated and put PayPal down twice. Not exactly. PayPal for Business is for Business Profiles to be able to send invoices. That is my primary usage. Some people need an invoice before they send payment. I’ll give it to them to help them make payment faster and you can’t send invoices with the regular PayPal app. PayPal for Business. Yes!

Square – Square is the app I use for payments as well because it allows me to take American Express. In the past, PayPal did not accept American Express but does now. If you want 1 payment system, you can choose but for me, I want them all so that there is no reason that I can’t accept payment for a purchase.

CashApp – The cash app is beautiful for people who have a bank account but not a credit card. The CashApp allows me to request money, send money and receive money directly from someone else’s bank account to mine. High tech but don’t leave money on the table. Get it done.

Voice Recorder – I use the voice recorder for recording audio. It acts as a small recorder so that I can keep a to do list, record the outlines for books or record ideas for events, etc. Once it records, especially if I am driving, sorry I record and drive, I transcribe it later. I’m a multi-tasker. I can’t help it. I also record inspiration audio that can be uploaded and distributed later. If you are on an Apple device, find a voice recorder app that meets your needs.

Hootsuite – Post to Multiple Social Media Sites – So if I am out and about at an event, etc. I will record video, snap a picture or provide a quote to my audience. I have 11 social media outlets that I can post. I don’t want to open each one so I have Hootsuite that posts to all of the media outlets at one time. It is a beautiful thing. If you use another scheduled post site for your book or business, find the app, put it on your phone and post away to everywhere at one time.

Canva – Graphic on the go – Sometimes you need a cute graphic on the go. Canva will provide you that capability on the go and directly from your phone.

Email app – Don’t miss another email – I am in business for real and don’t want to miss any emails. Email is not dead but yet alive and I certainly use it. I have Gmail and Outlook app on my phone so I can receive all 8 email accounts on my phone. Sorry, email overload.

Video and Audio Conferencing and Recording App – Uber Conferencing or Zoom App – I slipped in a bonus app right here but on the go and via your phone, there are times that I need to meet with clients, record what is said and have a way to save it and play it back. Uber Conferencing allows for Audio only calls and recording but Zoom combines them both, audio and video conferencing. With Zoom and my phone, people are able to see me and hear me. I can record it and send it later. It is a beautiful thing.

There are so many more apps that you can use but these are my go to apps right here that have helped me to go from being an author to entrepreneur. If you would like my latest book on ways to go from being an author to entrepreneur, visit http://bit.ly/authortoentrepreneur

Let’s go!

Schedule a meeting with Julia by visiting http://bit.ly/talkwithroyston



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Jump into June!

Jump into June

We’re not quite half of the way done with this year yet but almost there. As a sports fan, getting to half time with the lead is great but you’ve got to finish the second quarter strong to get or keep that lead going into half time. Why? Because you want to go hard for your dreams, goals and purpose in June so that you can build and keep that momentum going into the rest of the year. There is still a lot of year still left to go and live. There is still time for you to start and finish those things from January that you put on your vision board, resolution list and those secret dreams that you’ve told no one.

Start where you start – What haven’t you started? What have you started and not finished? That’s where you start. Go back to the beginning of what you wanted to start and start.

If you started and stopped, why? – What happened? Did life happen or did you happen to your life? You stopped because you were tired, bored or no longer interested? Know the things that hinder or distract your progress. Why? Because it will happen again and you need to be ready for it.

What do you need to finish and complete the project? – Is it money? Is it people? Is it an opportunity? Is it you? Write it down and pick up the phone. We call people or search on the Internet for anything else we want to know about, do it for your dream. Jump in with both feet, hands and heart this June to the life and goals you want to achieve for yourself. Time is not waiting and it’s almost half time. Let’s go!

What’s Next?

Let’s talk!  Reach out to me if you are interested in writing a book or just have an idea.  Click here to get on my calendar.

Upcoming Events

BookFest2018 – June 16, 2018 – Click here to see the commercial.

Blogging – Content | Clients | Cash – http://bit.ly/roystonblogs

Book Business Boss Magazine – Subscribe Today!  http://bit.ly/bookbusinessboss

Visit the store for other courses and/or products and services