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The Best Time to Move is Now…

These are my actual sneakers on the steps of where I live. I am not a runner by nature or enjoy exercise at all but I’m clearly on the move. If you follow me on social media or look at the calendar/itinerary on this website, you will see all of the places that I have been or intend to go. Slowly, surely, stopping frequently and take naps when I need to but I’m still moving. What have you planned, prayed about, prepared yourself for mentally and physically and not done? You’ve thought it out, written out the plans and have the money to pay for it but still haven’t done it.

Know this, eventually, to reach your goal, achieve anything or succeed at doing anything, you have to move, start and like NIKE, just do it. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to live a life of regret or wishing that I should have at least tried it. I would rather try, fail and learn from the failure than let my fear get the best of me. I’m cautious and some say scary by nature but when it comes to purpose, my gifts and abilities, I go for it. Scared, nervous and excited all at the same time but in the end, I have no regrets. I may not have the money for it in my hands, right now but I now have a goal to save, work and prepare my finances for. It may be delayed but not denied. The best time to MOVE, is now. Let’s go!

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I don’t know how the first quarter of 2019 but for us here at BK Royston Publishing, it was off and running. It has been non-stop and I’m super glad about it. Spring is here and things are all in BLOOM. The winter is hopefully over and Spring and Summer are on their way to help us recharge, relax and push through until the next season starts. My question to you is what in your life did you plant over the winter holidays and when the new year began? Have you started? Did you make a plan? Have you asked someone? You can expect to reap a harvest, grow a plant or business unless you sow the seeds, do the work, take care of what is growing and then celebrate in the fall for all of your hard work and labor. Now is the time to sow the seeds of success. Don’t sit back and complain about what someone else worked to accomplish, make some things happen in your own life. Celebrate you! Celebrate others! Celebrate together! Bloom where you are planted. Plant something to Bloom. If I can help, reach out to me and let’s talk about what you plan to plant by visiting Let’s go!

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Holiday BookFest was a Success! Thank you! Next Stop Dallas, TX February 9, 2019!

Next Stop Dallas, TX – February 9, 2019

Plan, Pack and Push!  I’m excited to thank you for your support and announce the next stop on the Book Fest Tour is Dallas, TX.  If you are an author in the Dallas, TX area, click here to register to be an author vendor.  If you are a reader in the area, visit the Mall on Saturday, February 9th for the Book Fest Dallas.  Authors from across the state and nation will be in attendance at this event.  There will be books in all genres and for all ages.  Don’t miss out!  For more information, email us at or schedule a time to talk at







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Readers are Leaders and Leaders Give Back! #givingTuesday

I believe that readers are leaders and leaders Give Back. BK Royston Publishing introduced the Royston Book Fairs for this current school year. In an effort to assist libraries, non-profits and other independent organizations raise funds for their school and other projects, Royston Book Fairs gives back 20% of it’s profits from the Book Fair to the school or other organization.

For #givingTuesday, we are providing this same opportunity. If you purchase a book via the Royston Book Fair Store, and upon checkout let us know the organization, school or ministry that you are buying on behalf of, 20% of the sale will go to that organization. You have to let us know the organization for us to support it. Any questions, don’t hesitate to email us at or visit or call 5028025385.

Take it from the Book Business Boss, don’t wait, take advantage of this great opportunity now through Friday, December 1st! Let’s go!


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Discovery is for ME!

Discovery is for Me!

On this day, most people are off work because in the U. S. is it Columbus Day.  Columbus is known in the history books as one who discovered America.  Of course, it was just a discovery for him but not the Native Americans, because they were already here.  I digress.  Change is hard for most people and we like our comfort zone, routines and easily assimilated surroundings.  But are you ever willing to discover something new?  It may not be new to others but just new to you?  A new street, restaurant, tradition, store, city or country can open up a whole new world for you.  I was one of those people that didn’t try new foods, I liked what I liked and didn’t know whether I needed to or wanted to like new foods.  Until I met Brian Royston who is a foodie by definition and will try almost any food to determine whether he really likes it or not.  He doesn’t base his opinion on someone else’s but his own.  He is a true explorer by nature when it comes to food.  So, on this Columbus Day, this is your challenge.  Be willing to become a discoverer, explorer and maverick of new things.  Open a journal and write down 2-3 things under each sentence below. 

What are 2-3 things that you do like?

What are 2-3 things that you know that you don’t like?

What are 2-3 things that you have been afraid to try before but with a friend or family member along with you, you would try?

What are 2-3 things that you will try before the year ends? 

Once you have a list, plan to complete 1 or 2 of those things on the don’t like or was afraid to try before list.  Don’t stop trying!  Don’t stop discovering new things!  Don’t stop being your best and greatest self! 

P. S. Upcoming Live Class!
October 11th – 7:00 p.m. EST – Finally Finish the Book –
Get the Replay!
MasterClass:  Promote that Book Now!  $19.97 Get the Replay by visiting:

Click here to obtain 10 punctuation errors/mistakes from authors that I have seen over the years.

School is in Session!  Classes on Demand:  visit
P. S. S. Upcoming Book Business Bosses Events
October 19 – Pop-Up Bookstore – 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. –

Louisville Central Community Centers, Inc

1300 W Muhammad Ali Blvd, Louisville, Kentucky 40203
November 3 – Black Media Expo, Louisville, KY
November 10 – Writer’s Block Festival, Spalding University, Louisville, KY
November 17 – Jefferson Mall – Holiday Book Festival, Louisville, KY – Author Vendors Wanted!  Register at
December 7-8 – Pop-Up Conference, Richmond, VA at
December 15 – Chicago Soulful BookFest, Chicago, IL
February 9, 2019 – BookFest Dallas, Dallas, TX  Author Vendors Wanted!  Register at