Helping you get your Message to the Masses and Turn Your Words into Wealth!!
What do you love? Who do you love? What do you find yourself doing and loving when you are not even being paid? It’s in your blood, your spirit or something you do naturally even without thinking. Everybody is not designed or even desire to start a business. I get it and no pressure here but my encouragement to you is to keep going, doing, enjoying and growing. I hate that we even have to say it or even remind you but life truly is short. My mantra this year is “whatever God has gifted, called or commanded you to do, DO IT!” Don’t delay. No more excuses. No more blame on circumstances and situations. Where there is a love, will and work, you can get it done. Yes we have bills, yes we have family that we are supporting but don’t forget to the love yourself too. You and I are no good to anyone if we don’t take care of ourselves. No matter what your faith level is, know that God loves you and I do too. I want to see you win, be your best and go beyond your wildest dreams!!
If I can help, the best way to reach me is to schedule a conversation at Remember that the calendar is Eastern Time Zone.
Finally, thank you for 17 years of BK Royston Publishing and all of the support, referrals, comments, purchases and love shown throughout the past 17 years. Thank you for trusting me with your intellectual property. Prayers for the next.
More to come. Blessings. Peace. Safety.
Love you all!
In the famous movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the dwarfs were and still famous for the song, ‘whistle while we work.’ When they went out to work each and every day, they whistled. My grandfather had a brother and that was his nickname, ‘whistle.’ Now, I am not the greatest whistler and never will be but my goal and aim, this year is wisdom. That was the word GOD gave me in June of 2024 and rings even louder right now in my ear than when I first heard it about six months ago. Why? I’m no longer just preparing for 2025 but it’s here, the year and first month has already begun. If you want Wisdom, ask God. I’m still alive so I’m asking God for HIS Wisdom to make it through until the end of this year.
· Wisdom to make right decisions and when to say yes and no.
· Wisdom on how to use my time, talent and treasure.
· Wisdom on who should stand with us on our team.
· Wisdom to know what is now, next or never.
God give us YOUR Wisdom while we work.
If you need help, let’s have a conversation, schedule it at Let’s go!
December is the last month of the year. The most wonderful time for celebration but it can be the most horrible time if you didn’t get any of your goals accomplished, make the money that you planned or you no longer have the love ones in your life one year or twelve months later. What a difference a year makes but you’re still here? Now what? Pause and be thankful. You made it. There may be some tears shed, bumps, bruises and disappointments along the way, but no matter what it looks like to others, you’re still here. After the gratitude, where to next? The GPS can only guide you when you know the direction, destination or destiny. If you’re not going anywhere, don’t activate the GPS. Just sit in the house, car or driveway until you know. Do a search not just on Google but hopefully and prayerfully of your heart and spirit so that GOD will guide you to the next place, project or person that will help you. December is the time of year where I evaluate everything, everyone, every place I visited, every bill I have and every dollar that I have left over. Where do I go? Where do I spend my time? What do I really want to be doing with the time, energy and budget that I have? I don’t have anything in my life right now to waste. I’d rather sit home and eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches happily than be in a crowd and come away empty. That’s just me. You have to decide what is important for you but for me, peace, productivity and people that are an asset to my purpose is what I want right now. Be grateful. Be prayerful. Then, activate the GPS. Let’s go!
I don’t know if you have begun your holiday planning, shopping or just ready to shut it down for the year. There are those that have already checked out for the year and won’t be ready to start again until January or even February. Your year may have been rough, tough and filled with disappointments but it’s just November. It’s not over. The year still has 2 months before it is over. You’ve still got time to get some things finished, forwarded or started. There is still time. You are still alive, breathing and capable of completing the assignment. Don’t give in now because there is still time. Sure, take time to enjoy the holidays with family and friends. Watch the holiday movies. I’m going to but I will not let fiction, fantasy and dreamland stop me from finishing the year strong. It’s just November. It’s Not Over. Let’s go!
Super excited to announce that Book #5 in the Terrance the Terrific Series, The Missing Lunches is NOW Available! It is about one year late but with God, it’s always on time. Click here to pick up your copy of the latest installment or to get the whole series for your favorite person, click here. Representation matters and I want all children to feel special during the holidays and every day of the year!
Mark your calendar for December 7 for the last Writing Workshop of 2024 and we’ll be online. Click here to register for the Writing Workshop or visit See the flyer below for more details. It’s not over but you have to start where you start. It will shock you what you can get done if you just start.
To schedule a conversation, visit The times are in the eastern time zone so be mindful of that. More to come..
I’m not done yet with 2024. Lord willing, I’ve been given 365 days and I plan on doing the best with what God has blessed me with. You Ready? I’m gone.
P. S. Just in case you love Christmas music like I do. Click here to enjoy “Christmas Miracle” by yours truly. Kick off the holiday season looking for and expecting a Miracle.
P. S. S. If you want the Christmas music and an ebook, click here. If you are old school like me and want the music and the paperback, click here. I got you for the holidays.
A New Season. A New Wardrobe. New Tactics.
During this season of the year just like spring cleaning, I start going through my spring and summer clothes to either put away, give away or donate. The put away pile is to keep for next season. The give away pile is for someone who may need it specifically. I am a plus size woman and often people contact me about a plus size woman in need and if I have clothes to donate. Absolutely. The donate pile is for Goodwill or another non-profit.
It’s time for you to go through your systems, career, finances and life to see what is working, what we need to fix or discard altogether. It’s the 4th Quarter already. To finish strong you may have to switch it up. You can’t keep doing the same thing over and over looking for different results. I’m all about consistency, loyalty and drive but if it doesn’t work, don’t hold on but let it go. It may work for others but it doesn’t work for you. Those pants, that dress or those shoes don’t fit or are out of season and unless you’re willing to lose weight, give them away to someone that fits them perfectly and may need them desperately. Unless you’re willing to submit to training, get a coach, adjust your lifestyle to make that business, relationship or career fit, you’ve got to switch it up and do something different. It doesn’t take years to decide just a few minutes and a decision can change everything.
I’m ready when you’re ready and if you need help, go to to schedule a conversation. Don’t wait. The New Season has started already. You in? You ready? It’s not too late but you have to decide if you will keep going in the direction of going nowhere or will you Switch It Up!?? Let’s go!
Super excited about my new releases. Visit to see what’s new. Brian and I are on the move in October. Meet us somewhere. Blessings. Peace. Safety.
Julia Royston