Congratulations on writing, illustrating and publishing your children’s book. As a 30-year veteran librarian, I appreciate your contribution to the literary industry.
The industry needs as many books with diverse characters as possible. I am a full-service publisher that has been in business for 15 years and for more information about BK Royston Publishing, visit http://www.bkroystonpublishing.com. I want to make opportunities for young people to be exposed to as many high quality books as possible. I can’t do it alone.
With that said, thank you for responding to my call for children’s books in the Facebook Group. I am now a retired librarian that has established the BK Royston Book Fair for diverse children’s books. I travel to schools personally to meet the teachers, librarians and students so I know first hand what types of books that they really want to read.
The next steps are for me to personally review the books for possible addition into the BK Royston Book Fair. I review each book to determine how it will fit into the school systems across the country. First, I want to protect your ideas and writings, download the non-disclosure statement by clicking on the link below.
Submit a fee of $25 for each book title for consideration to http://paypal.me/bkroystonpublishing or click on the button below.
Mail 1 copy of each book title for consideration to the following address:
BK Royston Book Fair Submissions | P. O. Box 4321 | Jeffersonville, IN 47131
Please allow 4-6 weeks for a response concerning acceptance of your book and then the next steps for inclusion in the BK Royston Book Fair will be corresponded to you.
If you wish to forward your book in an electronic format, .pdf, then the submission fee is $15. Click the button above to pay the submission fee, click here to download the non-disclosure statement and then email the entry to bkroystonpublishing@gmail.com.

If your book is accepted into the BK Royston Book Fair, below are the next steps for marketing and promotion of your book for sale:
1. The books will be included in the BK Royston Book Fair Catalog ($197 value)
2. The books will be included in the BK Royston Book Fair Store (go to http://www.bkroystonbookfairstore.com – on consignment, if ordered, you fulfill the order – there is a 70/30, 70% to the author and 30% to the Book Fair Store)
3. An interview will be scheduled to advertise your book on the BK Royston YouTube Channel and will be included in the BK Royston Book Fair Author Playlist (value $250) Click here to see the Author Playlist
4. Provide 5 books of each title to be available for sale at the BK Royston Publishing Book Fairs in 2020. There will be a 60/40 split of the sale of each book to be sent via PayPal or CashApp after each sale. The additional 10% of sale is because 20% of the profits from the Book Fair go back to the School or Non-Profit organization directly at the end of the Book Fair. Once the books sell, we will reorder from the author as needed.
5. A Social Media Graphic will be provided of you that your book is available for sale – sample graphic below.

6. Pictures will be provided of the display of your book at each Book Fair event. Sample below

7. The cover of your book will be included on the current Book Fair Poster. Sample Below..

Fall 2023
More dates and Book Fair for 2024 to be determined after the December 15th
I thank you again for responding. I look forward to receiving your submissions and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me via email at bkroystonpublishing@gmail.com or schedule a call at http://bit.ly/talkwithroyston. Have a great day!