Discovery is for Me!
On this day, most people are off work because in the U. S. is it Columbus Day. Columbus is known in the history books as one who discovered America. Of course, it was just a discovery for him but not the Native Americans, because they were already here. I digress. Change is hard for most people and we like our comfort zone, routines and easily assimilated surroundings. But are you ever willing to discover something new? It may not be new to others but just new to you? A new street, restaurant, tradition, store, city or country can open up a whole new world for you. I was one of those people that didn’t try new foods, I liked what I liked and didn’t know whether I needed to or wanted to like new foods. Until I met Brian Royston who is a foodie by definition and will try almost any food to determine whether he really likes it or not. He doesn’t base his opinion on someone else’s but his own. He is a true explorer by nature when it comes to food. So, on this Columbus Day, this is your challenge. Be willing to become a discoverer, explorer and maverick of new things. Open a journal and write down 2-3 things under each sentence below.
What are 2-3 things that you do like?
What are 2-3 things that you know that you don’t like?
What are 2-3 things that you have been afraid to try before but with a friend or family member along with you, you would try?
What are 2-3 things that you will try before the year ends?
Once you have a list, plan to complete 1 or 2 of those things on the don’t like or was afraid to try before list. Don’t stop trying! Don’t stop discovering new things! Don’t stop being your best and greatest self!
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P. S. S. Upcoming Book Business Bosses Events
October 19 – Pop-Up Bookstore – 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. –
November 10 – Writer’s Block Festival, Spalding University, Louisville, KY
December 15 – Chicago Soulful BookFest, Chicago, IL