Action Steps

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Action Steps

The only person that you can really control is you.  There are circumstances, weather, companies and people that want to be able to influence, convince or even change you but only you can change, direct, decide or determine the course of action for you.  You might gather information, ask other people’s opinions but in the end, it’s left up to you.  What course of action will you take so that you can live your best life for you, your family and hopefully your community?  Thoughts, ideas, plans, potential and someday are all great but what day are you going to pick to move from idea to action, research or investigation stage?  I recently heard someone say that someday is not on the calendar; just Sunday through Saturday.  Pick a day between Sunday and Saturday and get started.  Decide a course, even if it is wrong, doesn’t work out or succeed like you thought, at least you now know what doesn’t work and can move in another direction that does work.  I have said it many times, ‘life is short’ but the older I get, it seems that life gets even shorter and more precious.  Yes, I have the same amount of 24 hours as everyone else but I feel like I should get up earlier and stay up later so I can maximize the day and take action today for the life that I want to live tomorrow.  What are the action steps that you need to take now?  You decide.  Let’s go! 

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