Time to Switch It Up

A New Season. A New Wardrobe. New Tactics.
During this season of the year just like spring cleaning, I start going through my spring and summer clothes to either put away, give away or donate. The put away pile is to keep for next season. The give away pile is for someone who may need it specifically. I am a plus size woman and often people contact me about a plus size woman in need and if I have clothes to donate. Absolutely. The donate pile is for Goodwill or another non-profit.
It’s time for you to go through your systems, career, finances and life to see what is working, what we need to fix or discard altogether. It’s the 4th Quarter already. To finish strong you may have to switch it up. You can’t keep doing the same thing over and over looking for different results. I’m all about consistency, loyalty and drive but if it doesn’t work, don’t hold on but let it go. It may work for others but it doesn’t work for you. Those pants, that dress or those shoes don’t fit or are out of season and unless you’re willing to lose weight, give them away to someone that fits them perfectly and may need them desperately. Unless you’re willing to submit to training, get a coach, adjust your lifestyle to make that business, relationship or career fit, you’ve got to switch it up and do something different. It doesn’t take years to decide just a few minutes and a decision can change everything.
I’m ready when you’re ready and if you need help, go to www.talkwithroyston.com to schedule a conversation. Don’t wait. The New Season has started already. You in? You ready? It’s not too late but you have to decide if you will keep going in the direction of going nowhere or will you Switch It Up!?? Let’s go!
Super excited about my new releases. Visit www.juliaroystonstore.com to see what’s new. Brian and I are on the move in October. Meet us somewhere. Blessings. Peace. Safety.
Julia Royston