December to Remember:  The Litmus Test

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December to Remember:  The Litmus Test

I have to be honest that I had to look up the definition of litmus test.  Yes, I’ve heard of the phrase or term but didn’t really know what it meant.  I realize why because I was never a lover of science so if it is science related, it’s going to get by me.  But in my terms, it is a testing, proving and authenticating process.  I apply it to my life in this way.  I am older, limited in my time, budget and energy so whatever I do now has to pass the litmus test to get my attention, energy, money and time.  Does this event, person, organization, brand, project, book, task or investment become an asset or a liability to my life, business or purpose?  That’s it.  So in this last month of the year, what should you be doing?  Who should you be spending time with?  What should you be reading, watching, listening to, doing research about or planning to do in the future?  It’s got to pass the test.  My yes game is pretty strong but my “no or not right now or never” is getting really strong.  Lol.  I don’t have time, money or energy to waste.  How many times have I said that in this paragraph?  Too many so I must be serious about it.  Lol.  What are you really serious about or what is a deal breaker or an absolute no for you, your life and family?  Make this December a month to Remember for you.  Don’t compare your December to anyone else’s anything.  Do you.  Live your best life and make sure it passes the Litmus Test of your Standards.  Let’s go!  

If you are ready to publish your book, let’s talk by scheduling at  

Julia Royston
