A Writing Coach for What?

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A Writing Coach for What?

A Writing Coach for What?

I don’t know any athlete, sport team or business professional who has not had a coach or mentor to succeed.  As good as the professional sports athletes are, they still need a coach.  Without a coach, all of those gifts and talents would not work together as a whole unit or a well-oiled machine without a coach or leader.  Yes, you could write that book alone but why should you?  Just think if you have a coach helping you with that book, you would have:

Accountability – I know so many people that have started books but given up because they lacked accountability.  Being held accountable to someone is the motivation for some people to get the job done.  Would you really do your job as well as you do it if you didn’t have a supervisor?  The book can get done so much better with an accountability partner. 

Feedback – A good coach should provide you with immediate feedback on your writing.  The feedback should be corrective, positive, provide clear instructions to make progress and help the writing process move forward. 

Guidance – Personally, I hate getting lost.  I am so thankful for the phone’s GPS.  Barring in problems with an update, it gives me clear direction and specific turns to make to reach my destination.  A coach with little or much less experience than you have is a friend or cohort on your journey.  Unless they have been there before, they don’t know the way.  Your coach should be able to lead the way to the end and not still be trying to find their way themselves. 

Knowledgeable – A writing coach should be a writer.  The writing coach should know something about writing and understand the writing process. 

Saves Time – With having a coach with experience, knowledge and guidance, it will save you time.  You have clear direction you don’t waste time. 

Saves Money – Clear direction of what you should and should not do will save you money in the end.  You will not waste money

Experience – The writing coach who is able to guide you because they have the experience.  Work with and hire an experienced coach to help you with your writing project.  Experience truly is the best teacher.