Partner with a Purpose…
In today’s tight economy, one good thing that has resulted is the need to work together and collaborate. I am as independent as the next lone ranger but, going solo can be hard and counterproductive in all industry categories. The publishing industry is no different. You will need others to produce, publish, promote and purchase your books. Having a great team to produce a great book is only half of the battle. The other major feat will be getting the word out about your book. Partner with a purpose. Find people, organizations and events that would benefit from your book but, that you can also be a promoter of their cause. Partnership that is only one sided is called taking advantage and/or being a user. Find and maintain healthy relationships that will be mutually beneficial. Partner with a Purpose today.
On Sunday, February 6th, the BK Royston Publishing Co. authors participated in the National African American Read In spotlighting local authors and their books in the Louisville, KY/Southern Indiana area. Find more events such as this and your book will have far reaching effects…